RBI Austin Blog


Supporting Austin’s Inner-city Youth

Thank you, Coach Garrido. You will be missed.

He believed in RBI Austin before we had launched. When asked to speak at the inaugural RBI Austin benefit banquet in 2011, Coach Augie Garrido cheerfully accepted, noting his friendship with John Young, the founder of the original RBI program in South Central Los Angeles. Under Coach Garrido’s watch, Cal State Fullerton hosted one of the first ever RBI World Series in 1994. At the 2011 and 2017...

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Land secured!

Land secured! Hello RBI Austin family, You read the headline correctly — we are thrilled to announce that through the Lord’s provision, RBI Austin now owns 33 acres of land in East Austin! With a vision to make this a central RBI Austin hub for sports, mentoring, job training, and more, this land is located on Loyola Lane just east of 183, adjacent to the Colony Park neighborhood. Join us in...

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3/10 PLAY BALL event with Major League Baseball

Let's PLAY BALL! Major League Baseball and RBI Austin to host PLAY BALL event at Delwood on March 10th! RBI Austin is kicking off our 2018 Jr. RBI Spring Clinic Series on Saturday, March 10th with a Major League Baseball PLAY BALL event – the first of its kind in Austin! What: MLB PLAY BALL Event When: Saturday, March 10th from 10:00-11:30am (registration at 9:30am) Where: Delwood Sports Complex...

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New rule, new bats required

New rule, new bats New rule, new bats required Anyone else feel like a little kid at Christmastime when they get something brand new? The newest iPhone, a new pair of shoes, a new gadget? In light of the new USA Baseball bat regulations and as part of next week's Amplify Austin, we need your help to provide one NEW bat to each of our 81 RBI Austin teams. Not only will this provide a regulation...

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SPOTLIGHT: 9U Softball Nationals

RBI Austin Spotlight: 9U Softball Nationals Meet this week's spotlights from the 9U Softball Nationals!   Nyah Muckerson 8 Years Old 1st Year with RBI Austin 9U SB Nationals Q: Is this your first year playing with RBI? Nyah: Yes. It is my first year playing RBI, not first time playing softball. Q: How did you hear about RBI Nyah: From my mom!   Q: What do you hope to learn this season...

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SPOTLIGHT: 12U Softball Mariners

RBI Austin Spotlight: 12U Softball Mariners You know what time it is! Meet this week’s spotlights: Sydney, Grant, and Lynn from the 12U Softball Mariners! Sydney Floyd 12 yrs old 12U Softball Mariners 1st Year with RBI Austin Q: How long have you been playing with RBI Austin? Sydney: This is my first year with RBI. It is my third year playing softball though. Q: How did you hear about RBI?...

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SPOTLIGHT: 10U Baseball Cubs

RBI Austin Spotlight: 10U Baseball Cubs You know what time it is! Meet this week’s spotlights: Blaise, Ricky, and Travis from the 10U Baseball Cubs! Travis and Blaise have been a part of the RBI Austin family for 3 years now and have experienced the “comradery” that the game of baseball provides. Coach Ricky mentions that the kids are what made him come back for his 2nd summer coaching. See more...

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