RBI Austin Blog


Supporting Austin’s Inner-city Youth

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RBI Afterschool….a major league success

RBI Afterschool...a major league success! RBI Austin's Afterschool program at Oak Springs Elementary was a major success in the Fall of 2013 and has only improved into the Spring of 2014! In partnership with Outreach Afterschool RBI Austin has been able to bring college-age volunteers out to Oak Springs twice a week to teach the basic fundamentals of baseball and softball with thirty second and...

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Southwest RBI Regional Tournament

Southwest RBI Regional Tournament This past weekend RBI Austin traveled up to Arlington, TX to compete for the second straight year in the Southwest RBI Regional Tournament hosted by the Texas Rangers. The games were played at both Arlington and Lamar High Schools. The Senior division Regional Championship game was even played at Rangers Ballpark. The Regional began with an opening ceremony...

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RBI Day @ Ranger Ballpark in Arlington RBI Austin got to celebrate Father’s Day in HOME RUN fashion by taking a trip to the Ballpark in Arlington to watch the Rangers take on the Toronto Blue Jays. Prior to the game, the players, coaches, and families of RBI leagues all across the state were recognized and invited to walk along the warning track around the entire field. How cool is that?!? The...

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