Meet the Team: T-Ball Royals
Player: Kiyan
TEAM: T-Ball Royals
- TIME with RBI: First season
- SCHOOL: Lee Lewis Campbell Elementary
- CAREER DREAMS: What do you want to be when you grow up? A Disney actor
- LOVE OF THE GAME: What’s your favorite part about playing baseball? It’s awesome!
- FAVORITE PLAYER: Who is your favorite baseball player? The girl, Mo’ne Davis
Parent: Amanda
RBI KIDS: One son, Kiyan.
- TIME with RBI: This is our first season.
- PERSONAL VALUE: What do you think Kiyan gains the most from being involved with RBI off of the ball field? The friendships and teamwork.
- BASEBALL PARENT: What’s the hardest part about being a baseball parent? The heat!
- FAVORITE PART OF THE GAME: What is your favorite part of the game of baseball? Watching the kids play. They’re so cute!
Coach: Allie
TIME with RBI:This is my second year coaching with RBI!
- FAVORITE RBI MEMORY: Seeing some of our smallest players develop into kids that can throw, hit, and run super confidently.
- PARENTS and PLAYERS: What do you think families and players gain the most from being involved with RBI? Community, friendship and just learning how to play sports. You learn a lot through team sports and parents get to grow as they get to watch their kids and learn from them. It can be very encouraging.
- FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: What’s your favorite baseball memory? One of our kids who was going to be placed on a different team this summer, ended up being placed with us again. He’s been hitting home-runs for us left and right. It’s incredible to be able to see the amount of confidence he’s gained and just how much he has grown since last year.