Get Involved

Want to Volunteer With Us?
608 volunteers served as RBI Austin coaches, mentors, and more in 2024. Learn about the many opportunities to serve with RBI Austin by attending one of our upcoming volunteer orientations.
Get in the game with us! We’d love to have you join our team.
upcoming volunteer opportunities
There are so many ways to Volunteer
RBI Mentoring
- Mentor an East Austin 4th grader via RBI Mentoring
- Assist with group mentoring events
- Assist with an RBI Player Discipleship Group
- Become a Jr. RBI Coach (boys and girls ages 4-12)
- Become an RBI Coach (girls ages 13-18; boys ages 13-18)
- Become a Jr. RBI Umpire
- Volunteer at Jr. RBI Baseball/Softball Clinics
- Gameday operations (scorekeeping, sound, equipment shop, etc)
- Volunteer in RBI Field Maintenance
Other Opportunities
- Assist with RBI Event Planning
- Serve in a General or Administrative Capacity