Say “hello” to Millicent Benjamin — one of our incredible RBI Austin volunteers! Millicent is a coach, commissioner, and a baseball & softball mom.
Millicent and her family have been a part of our RBI Austin family for the past 5 years. One of the things we love most about the Benjamins is the way they’re all in. Both Millicent and her husband Andy are two of our most faithful volunteers, and all four of their kids play in our summer leagues.

As a family of 6, life pulls them in many different directions, but they’re committed to RBI Austin and what’s happening here. They volunteer. They play. They’re in it. And for that, we’re grateful.
Let’s get to know Mil a little more and see why she’s chosen to volunteer with RBI Austin in so many ways.
The Beginning
Believe it or not, we learned about RBI Austin through a flyer that came home in our son Rhema’s backpack. It advertised summer baseball for $20, and while we didn’t know what to expect, we went for it. It turned out to be exactly what we needed — it didn’t just give the kids something to do that summer, it restored our family.

Getting Further Involved — We’re All In
Around here, our entire family is involved. We’re all in. I volunteer with RBI Austin in a number of ways. I’ve been a coach, a softball commissioner, a league board member, and an unofficial mentor. My husband Andy is a coach and also serves on staff as a program coordinator. All four of my children play with RBI.
Why RBI Austin was a “Fit” to Volunteer
For me, serving with RBI Austin has been a fit for two reasons.
- God’s calling on my life — I’ve always knows that there has been a call to ministry on my life, and RBI Austin came in at a critical time for me. I was questioning my role as a wife and as a mother — “Was I good enough?!”. Volunteering with RBI Austin showed me that I DID have something to offer and that I could use my interests, my story, and my time toward something bigger than myself.
- It’s personal — As a native of Austin, I grew up in RBI Austin’s focus area. I didn’t have access to organizations like this. Kids in my neighborhood did not have a place that taught us sportsmanship or things like love, peace, kindness, long suffering, joy, faithfulness, and all the other fruits of the Spirit. If I could use my own testimony to help other young ladies walk a different path, I wanted to do that. THAT’S WHERE I NEED TO BE!

How To “Make Volunteering Work”
There are not enough hours in the day…or enough days in the week! And to be honest, I don’t know how I do it. I just have an overwhelming desire to give back to an organization that has given me and my family so much.
Being in the 100 degree Texas summer heat is no joke. But it is so rewarding seeing the look on the players faces when they see me walking up! It makes the sacrifice to be there worth it.

Motivation to Volunteer
A couple of verses that encourage me to serve and that get my fired up to serve the kingdom of God are:
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Psalms 34:1-2