About RBI Austin
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2024 impact Report
As we reflect back on this past year, we are praising God for what He’s done in and through RBI Austin — enabling us to abound in every good work as we serve our growing number of kids! With your support, we accomplished some pretty incredible things in 2024.
- We grew from 122 to 170 high school softball participants along with some other exciting elevations to our softball program
- Served a record number of 1,670 RBI Austin kids
- Celebrated our fourth 18U Regional championships in the past six years and the first MLB RBI World Series for Jordan Benjamin, Ace Cyphers, Sion Benjamin, and Laude Reyes —berth after 10+ years of playing with RBI Austin
Thank you for being a part of our community and for supporting our RBI Austin kids. Our prayer for the year ahead is that God would continue to provide all that we need at all times to serve our kids, families, and community.
RBI Mentoring – A Story of Hope
Why Coach?
We believe coaches are way more than just a leader of a sports team. Coaches are mentors and game changers. We believe that coaches can be some of the most influential adults in a child’s life — both on and off the field.
RBI Austin uses the incredible games of baseball and softball to engage and develop youth, and we are now recruiting coaches!
RBI Austin coaches have the unique opportunity to invest in the lives of their players and develop them into the future leaders of their communities.
Researchers found that after 18 months of spending time with their mentors, children with a mentor (compared to children without mentors) were:
- 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs 46%
- 27% less likely to begin using alcohol 27%
- 52% less likely to skip school 52%
- 37% less likely to skip a class 37%
- 33% less likely to hit someone 33%
Source: Public/Private Ventures
Want to Volunteer With Us?
608 volunteers served as RBI Austin coaches, mentors, and more in 2024. Learn about the many opportunities to serve with RBI Austin by attending one of our upcoming **virtual** volunteer orientations. Get in the game! We’d love to have you join our team.
Upcoming Events
Looking to spend your time making a local impact by investing in your city? Love sports and the way they teach kids life-long lessons? Thinking about becoming a coach or volunteering in other ways? Have a friend who would be a great RBI Austin volunteer? Learn More.
Get in the Game!
There are many ways to become a volunteer!
Questions? Email us at info@rbiaustin.org or call (512) 387-7936
What’s New
A place to call home: How the Benjamin family found opportunity, discipleship in RBI Austin
They say there’s no place like home. For the Benjamin family, that means just a little more.
Earlier this month, the Nolan Ryan Foundation awarded RBI Austin with a check for $500,000 at the Round Rock Express Hall of Fame Night.
A Dream Realized: Ticket Punched to Vero Beach
RBI Austin’s 18U Baseball Regional team defeated Houston Astros RBI 8-7 this past Saturday, July 27th at the Texas Rangers MLB Youth Academy in Dallas to win the 2024 MLB RBI Southwest Regional tournament!
RBI Austin Alum Spotlight
Lena Garces started playing for RBI Austin when she was 7 years old. Now she’s the Head Coach for our T-Ball Orioles, and we couldn’t be more delighted!
JC7 Foundation Partnership
We are grateful for the JC7 Foundation and their support of our RBI Austin kids. Read more about our time together at the ballpark.
My, How They’ve Grown
Earlier this summer, we celebrated the high school graduations of two of our RBI mentor match program participants. We also spotlighted one of our RBI baseball players who has been with us for 13 years!
A place to call home: How the Benjamin family found opportunity, discipleship in RBI Austin
They say there’s no place like home. For the Benjamin family, that means just a little more.
Earlier this month, the Nolan Ryan Foundation awarded RBI Austin with a check for $500,000 at the Round Rock Express Hall of Fame Night.
A Dream Realized: Ticket Punched to Vero Beach
RBI Austin’s 18U Baseball Regional team defeated Houston Astros RBI 8-7 this past Saturday, July 27th at the Texas Rangers MLB Youth Academy in Dallas to win the 2024 MLB RBI Southwest Regional tournament!