by Lauren | Jul 19, 2018 | Jr. RBI Summer League, RBI News, Softball
Sweet Glimpses of Transformation Whether you see it or not, your time as a volunteer is making an impact on the kids you serve. They are watching you. They are learning from you. Coach Sharon Thomas and her husband Kentrell have been leading their RBI Austin softball...
by Lauren | Jul 19, 2018 | Jr. RBI Summer League, RBI News
Upcoming Events Have you been running around all summer? Slow down, throw on your ball cap, grab some concession stand food, enjoy America’s favorite pastime, and see your impact in action at the ballpark! Attend one of our upcoming events. We’d love to see you there!...
by Lauren | Jul 17, 2018 | Hear From Our Youth, Jr. RBI Summer League, Player of the Week
SPOTLIGHT: 8U Coach Pitch Baseball Cardinals Do we have any other parents or grandparents out there that leave your kiddo’s game hoarse?! We love hearing about parents + grandparents cheering on their children from the stands while coaches are seeing change +...
by Lauren | Jul 13, 2018 | Jr. RBI Summer League, RBI News, Softball
Triple-A for a Day Celebrate the end the summer season in Big League style at RBI Austin’s Triple-A for a Day on August 4th at NAO! Get in the Game Triple-A for a Day Saturday, August 4th What: Triple-A for a Day including playoff games When: Saturday,...
by Lauren | Jul 3, 2018 | Jr. RBI Summer League, Player of the Week
RBI Austin Spotlight: 12U Softball Mariners You know what time it is! Meet this week’s spotlights: Sydney, Grant, and Lynn from the 12U Softball Mariners! Sydney Floyd 12 yrs old 12U Softball Mariners 1st Year with RBI Austin Q: How long have you been playing with RBI...
by Lauren | Jun 26, 2018 | Jr. RBI Summer League, Player of the Week
RBI Austin Spotlight: 10U Baseball Cubs You know what time it is! Meet this week’s spotlights: Blaise, Ricky, and Travis from the 10U Baseball Cubs! Travis and Blaise have been a part of the RBI Austin family for 3 years now and have experienced the “comradery” that...