RBI Austin News


See how God is moving in and through our RBI kids

What’s New

Partner Highlight: Austin Parks Foundation

Partner Highlight: Austin Parks Foundation

Partner Highlight: Austin Parks Foundation There’s no denying it, Austinites love their parks. We love these parks, too, as many of them serve as a home base for our teams. This is where our kids are learning the game, learning how to be a part of a team, learning...

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Fruits of the Spirit: Love

Fruits of the Spirit: Love

You might have heard the Bible verse where Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This can be easy to do when our neighbors are our friends, but it’s so much harder to do when they are people who aren’t “cool,” people who are mean to you, or even our...

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Jr. RBI Opening Day 2019

Jr. RBI Opening Day 2019

Jr. RBI Opening Day 2019Saturday, June 1st at For the City Center Waiting to meet their coaches at Jr. RBI Opening Day! Wondering what’s next and when things are going to start?  Join us at next Saturday’s Jr. RBI Opening Day at The For the City...

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Why Intern with RBI Austin?

Why Intern with RBI Austin?

Humility. Program Management. Leadership. Time Management. Serving like Jesus. Delegation. Newly Found Interests. God’s Character. Marketing Tools. Conflict Resolution. Communication Skills.  These are just a few of the hard and soft skills that our previous summer...

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