Summer 2020 Plans

Summer 2020 Plans

Hello RBI Austin community! What a journey the past few months have been. We hope and pray that you and your family are healthy and doing well amidst the COVID-19 crisis. During a time of year when baseball and softball are usually in high gear, the ball fields...
Family Outreach During COVID-19

Family Outreach During COVID-19

Our staff team has been calling the families of all 1,491 RBI Austin kids to assess needs, offer prayer, and help connect them to appropriate resources. Here is a brief story shared by one of our program directors, Teri: ISABEL’S FAMILY Last week, I spoke with one...
February TEAM Events

February TEAM Events

It’s February, so we’re dreaming about warmer days at the ballpark and celebrating Black History Month! We also have a few (FUN) events on deck for our Austin youth. Mark your calendars and register to attend! You don’t want to miss these fun sport...